Secularism is the new religion taught and worshipped at the highest level in our land.
Are you willing to learn how to dismantle these high places?
Secular Humanism is the religion of atheism.
Its Myth of Origins is now being enshrined in our Laws, our Politics and even our Churches.
Let God be true and every man a liar!
“In the Beginning was the Word.. .and the Word was God… Through Him all things were made… The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us John 1
Isaiah 44v6
Millions of years is a clever fiction based on good science and poor assumptions. Drop the assumptions! Check it out
the secularist even claims the moral high ground here, despising the Christian ideas of immortality, preferring gene survival. Do Christians have something to answer?
All of today’s data and experiments verify ‘intelligent design’ for the origin of life. Even Richard Dawkins agrees but won’t allow a God! ..only aliens ... click for film clip
Links to external sites does not imply endorsement of all the views or beliefs expressed on those sites
The film listed above is a must see. Presented in sections to help assimilate the astonishing information of our place in the Universe.
Discover that Jesus Christ as the ‘Word’ knew exactly what he was doing with Creation.
Don’t be held to ransom by inadequate information ever again!
This section will keep you informed of the latest developments
Check out the Leaflets which you can Print for free. Use them for information to sceptics and as evangelistic tools!
Continuing from the Summer Festival we have been able to join a Roadshow of the Festival held over a short weekend. Visits to Fortrose, Mintlaw, St Andrews have been very encouraging.
Breaking the Power of Secularism exhibits at Refuel in Fochabers
Use of the Sun in the Typology of the Bible dictates it has to be moving in relation to the Earth
Continuing Controversy on the Speed of Light
Some quotes of Physicists from the past you have probably missed and will astonish you!
Answers in Genesis Astronomer tries to close down debate on Geocentrism.
Response to the Carter/Safarti paper on Kinetic/Dynamic argument against the earth not moving.
A letter to the Methodist Church Bible and Theology Task Group looking at redefining Marriage
Gravitational Waves and Lies from Ligo
The Principle Film and Journey to the Centre of the Universe
Find out the tragic story of idolatry in every part of the Church
Details of the effects on the Earth
Some of the Anomalies you may have missed!
More on rotation and the size of the universe
Interpretations of the continuing anomalies from the Planck satellite data.
Presentation of Creationism and Intelligent Design
Admission of Supernaturalism in the Universe?
A recent article in New Scientist laments the evidence of ‘unnaturalism’ in the universe ….
What did Ezekiel see in his vision?
The reasons why Judah was exiled!
…. put things they learned from animals, the earth and the sun(most serious) over and above what God said about these things. Idolatry!